Bahrain must keep up with global change and new technology if it is to continue to grow and benefit its people, he said. He promised to speed up housing projects and improve health and education services as the country’s economy booms.
Better training to bring Bahraini skills up to international levels and more aid for people in need also top the government’s agenda, the King told the gathering, at the National Assembly complex in Gudaibiya.
The ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and BDF Commander-in-Chief Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Ruling Family members, clergymen, ministers, governors, businessmen, senior government officials, municipal councillors, diplomats, parliament and Shura Council members and others.
“You are well aware that we live now in the space age and that humanity is benefiting from its accomplishments,” said the King.
“Bahrain has no choice but to keep up with the latest developments and improve its capabilities in the field of communication.
“Based on our keenness to adapt to modern sciences, we have agreed to join the International Atomic Energy Agency and our membership was unanimously endorsed at the 51st session.
“This gives Bahrain the opportunity to join the international community and enter, with all transparency and alongside our GCC brothers, the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy.
“The aim of our membership is to contribute to limiting the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the region and to enable our people to benefit from the civilian use of nuclear energy in the areas of health, electricity, education and agriculture.”
Further economic growth will mean better living standards for all, said the King.
“For the sake of the democracy now prospering in our kingdom, the economy and its related fields of investments and support to the private sector remain at the core of the state’s care and attention,” said the King.
“We must work steadily and continuously to improve the citizens’ living standards, accelerate the implementation of housing projects and elevate the status of health, educational and training services to international levels.
“We also need to direct and focus the government’s financial subsidies towards reaching the most needy in our compassionate society, work diligently to attract more local and foreign investments and boost professional aptitudes and productivity levels, so that Bahrain can consolidate its status as one of the most preferred investment destinations, both regionally and internationally.”
Such endeavours must be accompanied by progressive laws that guarantee the independence of the Press and the freedom of honest and responsible expression, said the King.
“We consider them the guarantors of democracy and we regard independent media as our partner in the nation-building process,” he said.
The King praised members of parliament for their work for the good of the nation. “It is with great pleasure that we open the second session of the National Assembly’s second term,” he said.
“Your assembly here today boosts the satisfaction of the nation, promotes the feeling of elation among the people and demonstrates national unity.
“We wish, on this auspicious occasion, to express to you all our most profound gratitude for the noble sentiments that consolidate the loyalty demonstrated by our respected citizens on various occasions and in several instances.
“We would also like to laud your achievements during the first year of this parliamentary term. You truly are the representatives of the nation’s aspirations.
“The truth is that our democratic achievements empower Bahrain to be a genuine member in the international democracy partnership that several democracies today seek to establish, in order to preserve peace and stability in the world, eschew aggression and violence and broaden prosperity and development.
“Bahrain, owing to its political maturity, rich cultural heritage and love of freedom and peace, cannot remain outside this forward-thinking international community.” The King also praised the Premier for his leadership of the government and the Crown Prince for the success of the armed forces under his leadership.
Bahrain ‘entering nuclear age’
Reviewed by media
3:42 PM
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