The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation said yesterday that it welcomed the receipt of two licenses from the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation for work related to Braka, its preferred site for the UAE's first nuclear power plants.
"We're pleased to have received the two approvals from our regulator," said Mohamed Al Hammadi, ENEC's Chief Executive Officer. "This is an important milestone for ENEC on our road to producing safe nuclear power to fuel the growth of the United Arab Emirates." FANR announced Thursday that it had approved two license applications made by ENEC in April: The Site Preparation License, UAE Nuclear Power Plants Units 1, 2, 3 '&'4. The license allows ENEC to conduct "works related to the construction of features of the overall facility but not part of the civil Nuclear Power Plants," and "works for Nuclear Power Plant structures not related to Nuclear Safety."
The Limited Construction License to Manufacture and Assemble Nuclear Safety Related Equipment, UAE Nuclear Power Plants Units 1, 2, 3, and 4. This will allow ENEC to proceed with the manufacture of various parts of the nuclear power plants, including the reactor pressure vessel, steam generators, pressurisers, coolant pumps, and other components. ENEC expects that some of the manufacturing will begin later this year.
ENEC still must receive a Construction Environmental Permit from EAD in order to begin the civil work authorised by the Site Preparation License.
Earlier, ENEC received approval of its non nuclear Environmental Impact Assessment, a document that addresses the environmental impacts of the project, and of construction activities on the site, from the Environmental Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD).
The selection of the preferred site was based on information developed during a comprehensive Site Evaluation Process designed to ensure that nuclear power plants in the UAE are built in locations that conform to internationally accepted standards for safe operations. ENEC's site evaluation process began in mid-2008 and was carried out in accordance with existing UAE laws and regulations prior to the official establishment of FANR. The process was led by recognised experts and academics in the field, and involved UAE and international personnel. The work was based on guidance from the FANR, the Electric Power Research Institute, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the International Atomic Energy Agency.
The work that would be done under the Site Preparation License would be done with the understanding that the ultimate suitability of the site will be determined by FANR as part of a Construction License Application process, which is expected to begin with a filing by ENEC later in 2010.
ENEC welcomes license approvals for work at Braka, preferred site for UAE nuclear power plants
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1:24 AM
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